Just a quick reminder as the Covid numbers rise across the UK and different areas go into different levels of risk.
Very High
At Seeds to Stars we are taking all reasonable precautions to ensure that illness and infection do not spread in our nursery between staff or from staff to families or from families to staff.
We are ALL responsible for taking measures to assist the Nursery to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and to help avoid a 14 day closure which could be catastrophic to us and to you. We thank each and every one of our parents & carers for following our strict policies and procedures to help us all stay safe
We’re also keen to remind our Seeds to Stars family that it is important that we all maintain high levels of hygiene to keep the chance of contamination to an absolute minimum.
In order to do so please ensure that:
• You wash your hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol based hand sanitizer where soap and water is not possible.
• Do not come to our nursery if you or your little one has COVID symptoms.
• Do not come to our nursery if anyone in your household has COVID symptoms.
• Do not come to our nursery if you have been in contact with anyone who has COVID symptoms.
• The children arrive in clean clothes each time they attend.
• Practice social distancing.
• Remember the rule of 6
Currently we are still in an area of ‘medium’ risk.
Please continue to abide by the Goverments rules and we compel you to do the right thing to protect your health, that of your little ones & loved ones and that of our staff.
Let’s all stay safe
We’ve got this
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